Microdermabrasion Skin Scrubber Photon Sprayer Cooling Machine


  • This product is a 5-in-1 product that combines Diamond Dermabrasion.
  • Ultrasound Skin Scrubber.
  • Cold Hammer.
  • Spray and Microcurrent Photon for more effective skin regeneration.


Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber

Ultrasonic Slow metabolism of skin, coupled with the influence of ultraviolet (UV) causes melanin precipitation and the formation of dark spots, freckles. By ultrasonic oscillation, penetrate into deep inside the wool stoma, can deep clean your skin dirt, senescent cells, and corneous layer; Can effectively remove acne, blackhead acne. Accelerate blood circulation, promote metabolism, fade spots. 1. Works through ultrasonic high frequency (28000Hz) vibration and mild heating. 2. Let your facial cells vibrate and activate with it. 3. Three modes: choose the one you feel. 4. Quickly and thoroughly clean up the dirt and aging horny in the deep skin. 5. Gradually lighten the dark spots on your skin. 6. Eliminate your wrinkles and lift your face. 7. Massage your face. 8. Relax your skin. 9. Promote blood circulation and metabolism of your skin. 10. Cure and prevent acne and blain. 11. Mild and soft vibration and heating, without any bad effect on your skin. 12. Decent and ergonomic design. Lightweight and compact, easy to carry and handle. Easy operation. Let’s you own perfect skin like babies. 13. A piece of necessary beauty equipment for men and women, young and old. 14. No effect and negative for the skin.


Diamond Dermabrasion Peeling function Provided a non-surgical skin refinish procedure, by using sterile diamond heads to abrade or rub off the top skin layer, then vacuuming out the particles along with any dirt and dead skin back up. This procedure removes skin debris, imperfections, blemishes, wrinkles, and unwanted pigmentation on the skin. Moderate usage of diamond dermabrasion, accompany by skin products that penetrate through the top skin layer that reaches the dermis level, helps to replenish natural nutrients, restore cell activity, and promote skin health. The results after Microdermabrasion treatment are usually healthy, glowing, beautiful skin. Diamond microdermabrasion is generally indicated for: – Rejuvenation of sun-damaged skin-face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, and legs – Reduction of age spots – Minimization of blotchy skin coloring – Reduction of acne and superficial scars from past injury – Extraction of blackheads and whiteheads – Reduction of oily skin – Improvement of overall skin health

Photon LED Skin Rejuvenation

The Photon Micro current Beauty Device, designed for facial beautification, uses natural light waves, which are transmitted by LED into the skin. The light activates photoreceptors in skin cells, producing energy for absorption by skin components, to beautify your complexion.

Studies show that light enters the body as photons (energy) and is absorbed by the photoreceptors within cells. These beauty care units are used to treat soft tissue injuries and skin conditions such as psoriasis, herpes, leg ulcers, burns, and acne. The spectrum of light is especially effective for treating wounds, cuts, acupressure points, or other areas close to the surface of the skin. It balances skin tone and enhances circulation, inhibiting the formation of melanin pigment, fighting acne and dermatitis, and smoothing pockmarks, scars, and wrinkles. This device can produce 7 COLORS and improve a lot of skin problems.

Red: The 650nm red light is for wakening and activating the skin Blue: The 462nm blue light is for calming and diminishing inflammation. Green: The 527nm green light is for comforting the skin. Purple: The 600nm purple light is for toxin elimination. Orange: The 610nm light is for Balancing and recomposing. Turquoise: The 470nm turquoise light is for relaxation. Yellow: The 590nm yellow light is for tightening and oxygen supply

Sprayer Gun

Vacuum Spray Diffuser for Cooling and Hydrating Effect Make liquid product through a lance become a mist sprayed on the skin surface, absorbed through the skin microcirculation, treat various pruritus, sensitive skin, neurodermatitis, contact dermatitis, acne-prone skin.

Cooling Handle

Cooling handle for calming down the skin and shrinking pores. acne reduce wrinkles removaldeep skin cleaningultrasonic high frequencyUltrasonic Skin Scrubber

sprayer skin care

diamond dermabrasion microdermabrasion

microdermabrasion peeling

facial microdermabrasion machine

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